Download Mobile manga reader in java form code

Doc - JavaScript for Reader Mobile API Reference Android this shows that what I want to do is supported. But not even the simplest command will work on my phone. I am using Adobe Acrobat DC - PDF reader for Android What script are you using, and in what context e. Which version of Reader are you using on your mobile device? I am using the script in a button mouseup in a documentpreferably i would mobile manga reader in java form code to select email address from field, set all fields to mobile manga reader in java form code only, and email the pdf and set the correct message, details for email. I know I can lock all fields after signing of signature field, but signature fields are not supported on mobile they don't workI can get all the JavaScript for desired functionality to work correctly on Desktop, but it seems impossible on mobile At the moment I cannot even use a simple this. Creating the documents in ADOBE ACROBAT PRO A Doc. Try small steps: Create a document with two fields e. Text1 and Text2then create a custom calculation script for Text2 that uses the following code: Does this work? It actually works for me. The people who are going to use this document, will probably use an IPAD tablet, don't have one cant test it yet. Maybe I should wait until I can test on the tablet. On the other hand, why doesn't simple Javascript function properly, very annoying The code in my sample document works correctly on the current "Adobe Acrobat DC" app on Android from the Google Play store : Version It also works correctly with the current iOS version. We still don't know what code you are using: It is possible that there is something else in your code that triggers a problem. There is no Javascript console for the mobile apps, so you will have to create your own error detection mechanism. We tested mobile manga reader in java form code AndroidTestfile on Galaxy note 5 and S6, both of the devices no javascript would function, nothing. College of mine tested it on IPAD, and it works androidtestfilefor some reason code just not running on Android. Not only is the device important but so is the app that is being used.

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